Anastasia :-)
Don't forget to check out my links on the page for upcoming events for school counselors. Here are a couple that will be happening in January!
Great Kindness Challenge and No name calling week are both in January.
Happy New Year! I hope the year has started off great for you. A new year always brings so many possibilities and expectations. What are your goals for the year? What do you want to change in your life? What do you want to change in your school counseling program? One of my goals/resolutions is to revamp my website. There are thousands of people that now read the website and I think it needs some major changes. If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know. Input is always helpful. If you would like to be a guest writer on my blog or share anything with our readers, please contact me. I would be happy to work with you. Have a great week!
Anastasia :-) Don't forget to check out my links on the page for upcoming events for school counselors. Here are a couple that will be happening in January! Great Kindness Challenge and No name calling week are both in January.
Check out my page on testing. There are some new links and really good information for teachers, students and parents! Plus as always if you have anything to share let me know and I will add it to one of my pages!
Thanks! Testing- check it out! ![]() This week is National Youth Violence Prevention Week! (March 23-27, 2015) It is promoted by an organization called SAVE. SAVE is a student driven organization. Students learn about alternatives to violence and practice what they learn through school and community service projects. As they participate in SAVE activities, students learn crime prevention and conflict management skills and the virtues of good citizenship, civility, and nonviolence. What kinds of things do you do as a counselor to prevent violence at your school? How do you help students build relationships with each other? How do you contribute to the schools culture to promote nonviolence? These are important questions to ask yourself. The SAVE website has ideas and information on things that you can do in your school. Character Education is also an easy way to been seen as a counselor in the school. It is a great way to promote relationships, teach respect and empower students to be the best person they can be. This website has a lot of information on Character Ed. Each trait has its own page with many activities and ideas for you to use with your students. Check it out if you are interested. As always please email me with ideas and information that can help everyone in our field! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far! Check out the link on Digital Citizenship that I have pasted below. It has lots of ideas for teachers, students and parents. There are articles, lesson ideas and just good information about being a good citizen1 If you have anything to share send it on to me!
Digital Citizenship Here are some links and articles to help you promote school counseling week!
American School Counselor Association-Great resources The crafty counselor blog-She did this a couple years ago but it is still worthy of looking through :-) Article-Guide to supporting school counselors Blog Article-School Counselors are this close to being happy(er) What does a school counselor do?-Video Why you should celebrate National School Counselors Week -Article Ways to celebrate school counselors week.- Ideas :-) More ideas to celebrate school counselors week- More ideas! National School Counselor week ideas- Even more ideas! Future of School Counseling Pinterest-School Counseling Week Ideas Welcome Back! It is always tough getting back after time with family, friends and the frenzy of the holiday season. We feel it, the teachers feel it and the kids feel it too! Here are some things I thought you would find useful as you start the new year. As always if you have anything to share please email or post on my blog!
Important dates for January-Great Kindness Challenge and No name calling week! Create a website or blog for you counseling program! Check out some of these great sites for ideas! New Years Resolution ideas and New Year Activities all require self discipline! Check out some interesting links. Hey All! So the holiday season is now upon us! Check out my page with links on how to help with holiday stress. It has some articles and links to share with parents and teachers. The holidays can be a tough time for our students and families. As counselors we should be supportive and have resources to share with families.
I would love to have some book ideas on my page, if you have any ideas of what you do to support your families let me know. How to cope with holiday stress Hey Everyone! Next week on Thursday, November 13th is World Kindness Day! What a great day to celebrate and promote in your schools! It doesn't have to be hard to get everyone excited about it! Check out my character ed page on Kindness! There are many ideas on how to promote kindness as well as information on the day!
Let me know if you find any cool ideas or information! -Kindness and Caring Did you know today is World Mental Health Day? Well it is and I wanted to pass on some information I found on it!!!
Misconceptions of World Mental Health Day How Australia honored WMHD- REALLY COOL! Living with Mental Illness How to help schizophrenics Welcome Back! I am sure you are all off to a good start and are working very hard. Please remember all the great resources I have on my site. I have many resources I have created or found on the web! There are just a few tabs below! Check out the rest of the site too! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Character Education Red Ribbon Week Information for Military Families Bullying/Cyberbullying information |
January 2016