Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week Information
Sample Flyer-Red Ribbon Week -Letter to send home with students.
Things to do with your students…
Red Ribbon Campaign Contest 2015
Elementary School Counselor Website- She does a walk and shows videos. This site has some great ideas.
I CAN Day- This is an activity you could do school wide to promote giving and self confidence.
Red Ribbon Week School Planning Guide 2013- From the National Family Partnership
The science of addiction-worksheet and lesson (middle/high school)-Scholastic
Positive Promotions- Where you can buy supplies.
Red Ribbon Week on Facebook!
Talking with kids about drugs
Talking with your kids about Red Ribbon Week
National Family Partnership
Get Smart about Drugs
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
I'm Drug Free
Prevention Partners-Red Ribbon Week Classroom Activities
Red Ribbon Activities
Talking to your child about drugs
Addiction Center-Great website for addiction treatment. Learn how to get help!
Teenage Drug Abuse-The dangers
Quit Day- helps you quit smoking for good!
American Lung Association Drug abuse treatment programs
Rehab for Teens: Your best options
Dangerous Drugs-
How to tell if your child has a problem with drugs- Huffington Post
Dealing with addiction-Kids health
Drug education and prevention for your teen
Effects of Illegal Drugs on the Heart
Know the Facts on Drug abuse