Character Education
Kindness and Caring
Caring-Compassion, treating others as you would like to be treated.
Being Kind Makes Kids Happy
How to be nice- 16 steps (with pictures) *great for everyone to read
Teaching Kindness- More than a random act
How to make kindness the foundation of school culture
For Parents
Kindness and Firmness at the same time
Teaching Kindness-Sprout
Teach Kindness-Big Hearted Families
Websites with Kindness Ideas
World Kindness Day 2015 November 13, 2015
Purpose of World Kindness Day
History of World Kindness Day
World Kindness Movement 2016-
The Great Kindness Challenge January 25-29 2016
Random Acts of Kindness - lesson ideas, quotes, classroom ideas
Elementary Character Education Ideas
No Name Calling Week- January 18-22, 2016
Pay It Forward Day -Thursday, April 28, 2016
Kind Kid Club
Promote Classroom Kindess-Pinterest Board
Kindness Activity Pack-This does cost money but there is a free printable that is cute!
Lesson Ideas
Compassionate Story Starters-use the story starters and writing prompts in your writing center or during whole group writing activities. Encourage students to express different ways that they can show compassion/kindness toward others. If desired, combine all the stories into a class book.
-Once I helped a friend by..., One way I have shown compassion/kindness is..., When someone is sick, I can..., Once someone showed me compassion/kindness by..., Once upon a time there was a very kind boy/girl who...
Exit with kindness- As students leave the room at the days end, ask each to share one nice thing someone did for him/her and one nice thing he or she did for someone else. Shake each students hand as they leave and say, Thanks for being kind today!
Short Lessons
Speaking Kindly
Bucket Filler lessons,
A bucket filling moment 2, -great videos of bucket filling examples, the kids love them!!
A bucket filling moment 1
Being Kind Makes Kids Happy
How to be nice- 16 steps (with pictures) *great for everyone to read
Teaching Kindness- More than a random act
How to make kindness the foundation of school culture
For Parents
Kindness and Firmness at the same time
Teaching Kindness-Sprout
Teach Kindness-Big Hearted Families
Websites with Kindness Ideas
World Kindness Day 2015 November 13, 2015
Purpose of World Kindness Day
History of World Kindness Day
World Kindness Movement 2016-
The Great Kindness Challenge January 25-29 2016
Random Acts of Kindness - lesson ideas, quotes, classroom ideas
Elementary Character Education Ideas
No Name Calling Week- January 18-22, 2016
Pay It Forward Day -Thursday, April 28, 2016
Kind Kid Club
Promote Classroom Kindess-Pinterest Board
Kindness Activity Pack-This does cost money but there is a free printable that is cute!
Lesson Ideas
Compassionate Story Starters-use the story starters and writing prompts in your writing center or during whole group writing activities. Encourage students to express different ways that they can show compassion/kindness toward others. If desired, combine all the stories into a class book.
-Once I helped a friend by..., One way I have shown compassion/kindness is..., When someone is sick, I can..., Once someone showed me compassion/kindness by..., Once upon a time there was a very kind boy/girl who...
Exit with kindness- As students leave the room at the days end, ask each to share one nice thing someone did for him/her and one nice thing he or she did for someone else. Shake each students hand as they leave and say, Thanks for being kind today!
Short Lessons
Speaking Kindly
Bucket Filler lessons,
A bucket filling moment 2, -great videos of bucket filling examples, the kids love them!!
A bucket filling moment 1
Have you filled a bucket today- Carol McCloud
Something from Nothing-Phoebe Gilman
Thundercake- Patricia Polacco
A Gold Coin- Ada
The apple is mine- Arnold
A new coat for Anna- Ziefert
Christmas Angel- Vainio
Somebodey Loves You, Mr. Hatch- Spinelli
Kermit the Hermit- Peet
Chicken Sunday- Polacco