Resources for counselors and teachers
Character Education
Red Ribbon Week
Dealing with a crisis
Mentor Program Ideas
PRIDE GUIDE Program-Powerpoint
Parent info sheet about the mentor program
Zooburst- Digital Storytelling - Technology blog for teachers/counselor
Edmodo- social learning network for teachers and students
Sweet Search- a search engine for students
School Counselor Blog- great ideas for school counselors
Scrapbook of a school counselor
Social Media Safety-Livebinder
New York Times-Learning Blog
Fun Mazes-Printable
One Stop Counseling Stop-Blog
Twitter Blog-article
Kim's Counseling Corner-Great worksheets and information
SCOPE School Counselor Online Professional Exchange- Great ideas for everything school counseling
Career Websites
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Drive of Your Life
9-11 Resources - What, how and why to address it with our students
Teachers prepare for 10th anniversary of 9-11
Teaching about 9-11 past and present
9-11 Lessons
The September 11th Education Program
Why and how to teach about 9-11
9-11 memorial
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (how to deal with 9-11 and stress)
NASP Resources
Book- September 12th We knew everything would be alright.
English as a Second Language Information
Brain POP ESL- offers comprehensive English learning content that is lively and engaging while providing rigorous, structured instruction.
ESL Icebreakers - Games for teachers to play with students
Games to Improve English - matching games to improve English skills.
Dave's ESL Cafe - ESL meeting place for students and teachers.
Classroom Guidance Information
Sneetches Video (12 min.)
Bucket Filling Video1 Bucket Filling Video 2
Tattling Questions-song for kids about tattling
Friendship information
Respect Rap-Video about showing respect
What is a friend-Video
Goal Setting Worksheets
Bibliotherapy Blog
Classroom Guidance Lessons-Pinterest Board
Teaching Empathy through a digital game- article about the game
-Quandry, video game teaching empathy
School Counselor Ideas and Information
Book Box Categories
Counselor Referral Form- Teacher
Referral Form- Student
Classroom Guidance Plan
Article-How to support school counselors! Great for administrators.
Great School Counseling Websites
Holiday Information
Holiday Wish list
Character Education
Red Ribbon Week
Dealing with a crisis
Mentor Program Ideas
PRIDE GUIDE Program-Powerpoint
Parent info sheet about the mentor program
Zooburst- Digital Storytelling - Technology blog for teachers/counselor
Edmodo- social learning network for teachers and students
Sweet Search- a search engine for students
School Counselor Blog- great ideas for school counselors
Scrapbook of a school counselor
Social Media Safety-Livebinder
New York Times-Learning Blog
Fun Mazes-Printable
One Stop Counseling Stop-Blog
Twitter Blog-article
Kim's Counseling Corner-Great worksheets and information
SCOPE School Counselor Online Professional Exchange- Great ideas for everything school counseling
Career Websites
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Drive of Your Life
9-11 Resources - What, how and why to address it with our students
Teachers prepare for 10th anniversary of 9-11
Teaching about 9-11 past and present
9-11 Lessons
The September 11th Education Program
Why and how to teach about 9-11
9-11 memorial
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (how to deal with 9-11 and stress)
NASP Resources
Book- September 12th We knew everything would be alright.
English as a Second Language Information
Brain POP ESL- offers comprehensive English learning content that is lively and engaging while providing rigorous, structured instruction.
ESL Icebreakers - Games for teachers to play with students
Games to Improve English - matching games to improve English skills.
Dave's ESL Cafe - ESL meeting place for students and teachers.
Classroom Guidance Information
Sneetches Video (12 min.)
Bucket Filling Video1 Bucket Filling Video 2
Tattling Questions-song for kids about tattling
Friendship information
Respect Rap-Video about showing respect
What is a friend-Video
Goal Setting Worksheets
Bibliotherapy Blog
Classroom Guidance Lessons-Pinterest Board
Teaching Empathy through a digital game- article about the game
-Quandry, video game teaching empathy
School Counselor Ideas and Information
Book Box Categories
Counselor Referral Form- Teacher
Referral Form- Student
Classroom Guidance Plan
Article-How to support school counselors! Great for administrators.
Great School Counseling Websites
Holiday Information
Holiday Wish list