end of school year and character education activities!
Good-byes- Marking the end of the school year-Highlights Mag.
How to prepare for the end of the school year.
Bringing the School Year to a Strong Finish
End the school year with a bang.
Lesson Ideas
Pinterest-End of school activities
End of year class party ideas
Tips to wrap up the end of the school year- Scholastic
34 End of School Year Activities-blog
Ideas to celebrate end the year for ELL students- NY times Blog
How full is your bucket , Rath and Reckmeyer-Kindess
Activity to go along with the book
Last Day Blues, Julie Danneberg-Caring
So, what can kids do in the summer, Lorraine J. Alldredge-Responsibility
Clorinda, Steven Kellogg- Perseverance
Something From Nothing, Phoebe Gilman- Kindness
Thundercake-Patricia Polacco-Courage
Amazing Grace, Mary Hoffman- Perseverance & Respect