-Helpful Information for Military Families
May is Military Appreciation Month. If you are a school counselor it is very important for you to recognize the military men and women parents in your schools. The link below has information and websites of things you can do support and recognize both your students and their parents for their service.
-Helpful Information for Military Families
So it is coming!!!! Testing Season :-) Check out my page on Testing. I have added new links, articles, and websites with great information. You can find strategies, videos, ideas for celebrating, and much more! Please let me know if you have anything to share! The link is below! Testing Information Surprise!!! Did you know today is National Honesty Day? Well it is and it is every April 30th each year. The idea is you begin the month with fooling people and end the month being honest! Here are some links with some information. Let me know if you find anything else!!! National Honesty Day Honesty Day Facebook Page Article-Honesty Day Are you recognizing this week in your school? Here is some information if you are interested. Pass it on to students, parents, teachers, staff. It is important we are all aware of this issue. IF you have any great ideas or links, please share them with me. NEDA website Get in the know-Article Activeminds- how to take action College students helping themselves-Article Positive Actions during NEDA week Don't forget, it is Random Acts of Kindness week! What activities are you doing with your students? What do you have planned for the school? Share your responses below! Here are some links you might find helpful! Kindness and Caring page Random acts of Kindness Foundation Sunset Ridge Elementary -Look what they are doing!!! 10 Random acts of kindness! A great read :-) Random Acts Website Little acts of kindness-great for kids! Pinterest- Ideas for Random acts!!! Act Kind Blog Random Acts of Kindness-Facebook The NCAPT is having their spring conference in March. The link to the information is below if you are interested. The Association of Play Therapy promotes the value of play, play therapy, and credentialed play therapists by advancing the psychosocial development and mental health of all people NCAPT Spring Conference- Eventbrite sign up Social media news this morning….Here are some tweets and interesting ideas for you to think about today!
-Bullying, underlying issues -12 things you should tell your daughter today -Poverty and Education-article/blog -Challenges for gifted students Mentoring programs in schools are a great way to help kids in many ways, such as, building self confidence, improving attendance, improving academics and building trust. Below are a few links that will be helpful for implementing a mentor program in your school. If you have any questions about starting a mentor program feel free to email me. I have many additional resources I can share with you. -Middle school mentor program to help with attendance-Article -Parent info sheet, mentoring - Powerpoint on Mentoring Students-Underwood Elementary -How to build a successful mentor program-using Elements of Effective Practice What are your plans for school counseling week? Here are a few links you might find helpful. If you have any other ideas send them to me and I will add them to my site!!! American School Counselor Association-Great resources The crafty counselor blog-She did this a couple years ago but it is still worthy of looking through :-) Article-Guide to supporting school counselors Blog Article-School Counselors are this close to being happy(er) What does a school counselor do?-Video Why you should celebrate National School Counselors Week -Article Ways to celebrate school counselors week.- Ideas :-) More ideas to celebrate school counselors week- More ideas! National School Counselor week ideas- Even more ideas! Future of School Counseling Pinterest-School Counseling Week Ideas Here are a few Pinterest School Counseling boards that I found! Check them out!!! Pinterest is a great way to find out about new ideas and _ 1. Middle School Counseling (206 pins) 2. Counseling Tools and Much More (404 pins) 3. Counselor (147 pins) 4. Products I love (3300 pins) 5. School Counseling (212 pins) |
January 2016